Jingles, Audio Logos, Sonic Signatures & More...
Sonic Branding
The essential task for marketers is to capture and hold attention for their brand. Sonic branding – jingles and audio logos – activate emotion and memory in ways visual or textual cues cannot match. Music forms deep, memorable, emotional associations in humans, connections that literally last a lifetime. So why not bring some musical distinction to your marketing?
The ultimate goal of audio logos and jingles is to increase the memorability, brand awareness, and perceived value in the products/services a company sells. Without effective sonic branding, what sound does your marketing make?
Audio Content Lab brings original, high-quality production music, to the world of content marketing. Let us develop a unique sound for your brand, and build a distinct, memorable, and resounding presence in your marketplace.
According to a Leicester university study, brands that use music which is well-aligned with the brand’s identity are 96% MORE LIKELY to be REMEMBERED by the consumer, than the brands that use music that is poorly matched or no music at all. Short musical pieces with particular characteristics can prime the semantic language memory system, thereby yielding faster and more efficient recognition of specific words, and for our intents and purposes, branded taglines in jingle form.
In order for a jingle, or any style of branded communication, to be effective in a marketplace, it has to, in some way, mimic or aggravate the desires, affect, taste, and temperament, of the musical experiences the target audience is immersed in and engaged with at a popular level.It has to be familiar, but novel. Recognizable, but fresh. You have to do something different, with cliche.
And that’s why branded music, or jingles, have been the go-to choice for marketers looking to interface with the general population in relatable ways for hundreds of years!
A multi-award winning, Grammy-nominated music production team, with over 20 years experience in the industry, in conjunction with luminaries like Big Daddy Kane, and Anthony Hamilton.
Original production music and audio signatures for your podcasts or videos, forge distinct, memorable connections with your brand content.
High-quality music, at any scale, at any budget. Feature length films, 30 second spots, commercial musicals; name the stage, and let’s throw some memorable music down!


Brand marketers and businesses obsess over tactics and strategies to become memorable within a marketplace, but rarely is there a thought to cultivating a distinct version, of one of the most triggering semiotic effects known to neuroscience – MUSIC!
Wired to interpret sound faster than sight, the human brain is basically designed to lock onto musical cues, based on similarities to prosodic cues in the development of human speech.
In the lineage of human development, music is older than agriculture, older than speech, and so for those looking to make a memorable impact, getting the music right is a primal imperative.